
I did origami for Action Stations.

I made a box, a ninja star and claws. I learned the different folds and how to make difficult things.

Origami is fun.


Next time I want to try to make Mario out of paper.

What would you  want to make out of paper?

NZ-VR experience

Today we had the people from Blake NZ-VR experience come and visit us. They were sharing videos about the ocean. These videos were about looking after our oceans and showing Kaitiakitanga. We looked at protected areas and unprotected areas. Something I noticed was the protected areas were really clean and there were lots of fish and seaweed.My favourite part was when the big stingray came past and kissed us. I liked this part because I have never seen a stingray that close before.  I was shocked when I saw the unprotected areas because there were not many fish and no seaweed, and the water was very dirty. After seeing the videos we talked about not taking too many fish when we go fishing and not to throw any rubbish into the ocean.
I really enjoyed the experience because I have never done anything like this before.

Ocean day

I feel really sad because the Turtle is about to eat the plastic cup.

If we didn’t buy things that were wrapped in plastic then this would not end up in our oceans.


We all need to stop buying things that are made out of plastic.